Let me take you by the hand,
Feel my touch and understand,
That I will never let you go,
While you peacefully slumber so.
Take my hand
Posted in Many Paths Many Voices
Many Paths… Many Voices
Posted in Many Paths Many Voices
Let me take you by the hand,
Feel my touch and understand,
That I will never let you go,
While you peacefully slumber so.
Posted in Te Wahi Ora News
They say, they can’t control her,
I say, let her anger have its voice.
They say, she cannot be contained,
I say,
Her mind is a cage.
Let her spirit be free.
Posted in Many Paths Many Voices
“What would you think,” Mum asked one day,
“If you and I just went away?”
Posted in Many Paths Many Voices
Like faded memories,
Shaking off the past,
To reveal their naked truth;
Then waiting, in wintry silence,
To be reborn.
Posted in Many Paths Many Voices
I went for a date with Spirit,
Beneath a starry sky,
She led me through the darkness,
Her beauty rent me shy.
Posted in Many Paths Many Voices
We stagger across the beach
Like giggling schoolgirls,
Clad in nightgowns, feet bared,
Heavy with fatigue yet light
As champagne flutes. Our pain